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[26 / 5 / ?]


No.33137018 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/vp/, my board, has been COMPLETELY overrun by disgusting, degenerate, virgin, no life, NEET, pathetic animal fuckers.
Look around you and see for yourself. Every other thread on this board is a "stealth" furfag thread. Threads those disgusting animal abusers uses to chat amongst themselves, distribute animal pornography, and pollute this once great board.
I ask you, the sane and respectable posters of /vp/ to report threads like these ON SIGHT.

Threads that should be reported:
>waifu threads
>Mystery Dungeon threads
>threads about one specific Pokémon
>any threads that are about a Pokémon that are made weekly especially
>disgusting thicc threads
>cringe threads
>meme threads
>"name my Pokémon" threads
>anime threads
>threads about the Pokémon movies

Nobody wants you furfags here. No one tolerates you. This place is not for you. Make the world a better place and kill yourselves.