[26 / 5 / ?]
/vp/, my board, has been COMPLETELY overrun by disgusting, degenerate, virgin, no life, NEET, pathetic animal fuckers. Look around you and see for yourself. Every other thread on this board is a "stealth" furfag thread. Threads those disgusting animal abusers uses to chat amongst themselves, distribute animal pornography, and pollute this once great board. I ask you, the sane and respectable posters of /vp/ to report threads like these ON SIGHT. Threads that should be reported:>waifu threads >drawthreads >Mystery Dungeon threads >threads about one specific Pokémon >any threads that are about a Pokémon that are made weekly especially >disgusting thicc threads >cringe threads >meme threads >"name my Pokémon" threads >anime threads >threads about the Pokémon movies Nobody wants you furfags here. No one tolerates you. This place is not for you. Make the world a better place and kill yourselves.
>>33137018 Mods sticky this thread.
>>33137030 Kill yourself.
this is now a fetish threadany other fartfags in here right now?
>>33137042 Byt you said to report meme threads
>my board Is this nigger serious?
Out of all the flavors you could choose...you chose to be EXTRA SALTY
>>33137018 all those threads you want reported are 99% of /vp/
the remaining 1% is competitive stuff and nobody here is good at competitive
>>33137018 >pollute this once great board >implying furries weren't here since the very beginning I think you should just go somewhere else
>>33137018 >my board >reporting drawthreads, Mystery Dungeon threads, threads about one specific Pokémon, "name my Pokémon" threads, anime threads, threads about the Pokémon movies Could you be any more of a newfag? Lurk moar faget.
>>33137135 Furshit explicitly belongs in /trash/ and /b/. Furfags are the ones that have to go away. Leave the Pokémon board to real Pokémon fans.
>>33137158 I did what you told me and that is how you thank me?
Ungrateful aren't you
>>33137169 if you don't want to fuck your pokemon, you aren't a real fan, you leave
>>33137158 Like I haven't heard that before. We post in this board for a reason, anon.
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>>33137183 I don't want to fuck my Pokemon but I'm still not a fag like OP
Focing a personality is cringy OP, not even fucking screen cap worthy. Now if you were SERIOUS, I would listen, but you haven't presented anything thag shows that you are. I'll visit this once it starts getting bumped every 5 seconds
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>>33137018 >delete all this stuff I don't like If you can't stand seeing things you don't like and don't know how to ignore it 4chan might not be the place for you.
Meta threads are the worst types of threads on this board prove me wrong.
>>33137169 Aren't most "real" pokemon fans furries though?
>>33137169 Thank you.
>>33137182 >>33137196 >>33137200 Kill yourselves.
>>33137183 >Animal rapists are the true fans. I'd kill you myself.
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OP, you need to help me! Lyra raped my Quilava!
>>33137183 >>33137208 No. Real fans don't like Pokémon for any sexual reason whatsoever. If that's the case, they are just horny subhumans.
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>>33137208 If by "real" you mean extreme, then yes. Your average player probably doesn't even know there's a surprising ammount of furries in the community. Then again, what fandom doesn't have furries in it?
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>>33137228 if you cant accept that other people exist then 4chan probably isn't for you
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>>33137213 >Pokémon are animals