>>33155373This is something the games are probably never going to explain in satisfactory levels of detail, considering it's gamefreak we're talking about (and also that is a pretty small detail in any case). Still, my guesses would be:
>Nihilego's ultra space, that we travel to in-game, is said to only contain nihilego, but this could be refering only among the 7(12)ultra beasts we know so far, and still contain other glass-based lifeforms we'll never meet>Some wild ultra beasts (cosmog, solgaleo/lunala) open portals within worlds when moving and other ultra beasts cross them by accident or curiosity>All parts of ultra space are linked with one another even if completely different to a fundamental metaphysical level, so all ultra beasts can move everywhere they want even if they mainly remain in the part of ultra space that suits their biology for comfort reasonsThose head canon theories aside, I'd really like to see gamefreak put a little effort and deliver at least 4-5 ultra spaces for looker's postgame quest in USUM. Is not like designing 5 small alien maps would kill them, but oh well. I can just hope that kartana's ultra space is a world permanently stuck as an origami version of old japan, or that guzzlord's ultra space is the equivalent of a dimensional dumpster.