Gonna repost my theory:
>Rockruff is inspired by a poi, a now extintct hawaiian dog
>Some villages on the islands would give newborn children a poi as a companion. If the child died before the dog, the dog would be killed and buried with the child, so they could be together in the afterlife.
>If the dog died before the child, they would make a necklace out of the dog's teeth and give it to the child, so the dog would always be with them in spirit, hence Rockruffs bone collar
>Anime Rockruff sees a green flash at sunset that potentially triggers it evolution
>An old sailor myth claims that the green flash means that "a soul comes back to this world from the dead"
>New Lycanroc form is a Rock/Ghost inspired by a poi spirit coming back to life
That being said, this new form doesnt exatly scream ghost type, but then again neither does Decidueye