Sinnohan Teddiursa
Cute Charm/ Pickpocket/ Moxie (Hidden)
Teddiursa in the Sinnoh region feed mainly on Poffins and other sweets and candies. Though cute, they are incredibly mischeivious, and will steal from humans and other Pokemon without a second thought. Because their diet consists so heavily of sweets, their bodies have somehow transformed. Now, the Teddiursa of Sinnoh themselves have sugary, sweet fur, and they love to lick themselves and leave their scent wherever they please.
Sinnohan Ursaring
Aroma Veil/ Sheer Force/ Moxie (Hidden)
Wild Ursaring in Sinnoh are incredibly aggressive, and will chase after almost anyone that invades their territory. When camping in the mountains, Sinnohan hikers are always on a lookout for an out-of-place sweet smell- an Ursaring’s natural scent is similar to that of candy. Though they are extremely protective of their own homes, it will never attack children or young Pokemon. Some children claim to play with Sinnohan Ursaring in their dreams- a claim that is most certainly frightening for their parents.
R8 and H8?