>>33241256I'll probably set up a mystery egg run with my friend again. That's what we usually do for next set of game releases. Usually we do some kind of theme.
Like for BW2, we picked themes for each other. I forget what hers was for me. I RNG abused six eggs to hatch shiny in her game, with each one being a different color to be like a rainbow. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple). For my husband, I RNG'd six green pokemon,(Some shiny, some not) since green is his favorite color.
For ORAS, we picked a type and a "starter" and made monoteams for each other that way. I picked water and Tirtouga. She picked flying and I think Rufflet. My spouse didn't participate in this one, and just bred six pokemon to use in his game.
No idea what we'll do this time, but we might go the shiny route again since RNG abuse is back.
Otherwise, I'm planning on RNGing Rowlet for shits and giggles because I can. I won't be using it in my team though.