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No.33265237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>duh don't get your hopes up xD
you know after that interview i ended up hating on Masuda's way of thinking even more.
Jesus Christ get the head out of your asses, stop acting like a small indie dev that's "just trying to do our best with what we have lol" you're the owners of one of the biggest videogame franchises (or just franchises in general) ever what's this modesty all about.
They should go out and say "Yeah you know what, now that we're out of the small crappy handhelds we're gonna make the Switch our bitch and make the most huge and awesome pokemon game ever made"... and of course it's never going to live up to the hype but as long as you have that mindset it's still going to be 10 times better than your usual "thanks for beta testing for the first two games"

But of course this is just a 30yo virgin manchild's opinion...