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287KiB, 869x920, 1306062646_legendary_battle_cuts_by_amastroph-d3erg3s (1).jpg
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If all the legendary pokemon come back, how would you incorporate them in?
Story/Location/Amount wise?
I think they're likely to, GF always crams in a ton in the last games of the generation, not to mention it's the last game of the system itself
Sure, they could bank them but I doubt GF will leave it at that to let little kids catch them in the new games without having to pay to transfer them up, and we know National Dex is 99.999% likley to come back judging from the amount of pages in the guidebook
Story/Location/Amount wise?
I think they're likely to, GF always crams in a ton in the last games of the generation, not to mention it's the last game of the system itself
Sure, they could bank them but I doubt GF will leave it at that to let little kids catch them in the new games without having to pay to transfer them up, and we know National Dex is 99.999% likley to come back judging from the amount of pages in the guidebook