>>33319330It'd be too soon for her to cameo.
They'd show Misty, May, Dawn, or Iris over her just because of length of time not shown.
If there's a demographic that is still going strong, it is the Ash x Misty fans, they actually have more strength and depth over Serena.
Not to mention, Misty doesn't act as crazy infatuated over him as Serena does... in a very creepy way.
Why do people like her and Ash being together so much? She's infatuated with him, give it time and she might move on to someone who actually likes her back.
Otherwise, she is just a genderswapped Brock with a severe fixation on him.
There is nothing adorable about her attraction to him, I hate it that they had to cobble together some stupid retcon that she knew him as kids.
Yeah, I hate her... she's nothing like the game version who I actually liked, a woman who isn't needlessly fixated on some man.
Game Serena wasn't perfect, but fuck... I would prefer a woman with some dignity over this slobbering mess.
I might be a little overboard in my resentment, but seeing this so many times, it gets me riled up.
I am glad that he moved on. She needs to as well. You know that he hasn't thought about her a bit since SM.