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No.33299406 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we buff moves/abilities and explain why we did as such

I'll start with a simple one
>Triple Kick now has it's damage doubled, i.e. the first hit will deal 20 BP, the second 40 and the third 60

Now this does sound OP as it's a 120 base power move that's boosted by Technician and breaks substitute, but hear me out. First off for all three hits to connect, it will have an accuracy similar to Focus Blast (which we all know is less than stellar). And without that last hit, the move has much less power (in fact it will be half, being a much less impressive 60). Furthermore it's doubtful that the first hit will break as even with a Technician boost it's still a piddly Base 30. Second the move is only learned by two Pokemon, Hitmontop and Pheromosa. The former, while having access to Technician, is more often used for Intimidate, additionally Hitmontop's attack stat is a lackluster 95, so even a STAB 180 power move probably won't break it, especially when doing such means that it cannot run Intimidate. As for Pheromosa, it already has High Jump Kick which hits harder (base 130), and is more accurate, furthermore its sub-breaking ability is less impressive when Pheromosa can just bypass subs completely with Bug Buzz. So I feel this significant buff is allowable as it'll give Hitmontop a niche with it's nuking potential but not be overpowering.