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Second-hand Pokemon Platinum

No.33306966 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>was in town hoping to get replacement 3ds battery, but the shop doesn't store any
>see second-hand pokemon platinum for $15
>buy it
>put the game in my old ds, see what the save is like
>nostalgia hits me like a tidal wave
>remember how much fun I had with this and pokemon diamond
>i still remember being young(ish) and feeling SO FUCKING HYPED for how amazing pokemon diamond was going to be, and getting Platinum when it came out only added to that.
>turn DS on
>old into still gives me chills

>pink text
>name: Stacy
>badges: 2
>female protagonist

>load save
>Journal tells me everything.

She got this game in Spring 2016, played it a little over three days, beat a Buizel at night on day two, and gave up after beating Gardenia. Her team includes a level 22 Monferno, a level 20 Staravia, a level 10 machop, a level 20 Luxio, and a level 8 Buneary and Pachirisu just there to look cute. Poketch is set to the team viewer app that tells you the HP of each Pokemon. I always kept it on the clock because I liked how it looked, only changing apps when I needed them.

Just like me, she set the clock several hours ahead, but unlike me, she didn't have any Dark Balls. She had ten Pokeballs, one net ball, and one premier ball. Fairly standard items pocket, except for the 10 honey items she probably had no idea how to use.

The only Pokemon in her PC? Another starly and a magikarp. The rod was registered. She'd never connected to WFC, gotten a friend code, or had a single Pokemon battle.

I don't know what I expected when I put this game in, but I feel... sad. This girl never knew the joy of completing this game. She gave up.