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Another "ORAS is bad" thread

No.33318155 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"I got really stressed out and had to go to the hospital and had some stomach issues and had to get a camera inserted and they didn’t know what it was – very stressful," Masuda says. "The night before release I had a dream that it was a complete failure, a total nightmare." Alternatively, Shigeru Ohmori, director of Sun and Moon and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, views the game as a far less stressful time in his career. Ruby and Sapphire were the first Pokémon games he worked on, marking his official transition from fan to creator. "It was actually a lot of fun to work on it and I was able to think, 'I’m making this',” Ohmori says.

>have ptsd from a game
>tell your coworker to deal with it
>coworker then fucks it up because he doesn't take it as seriously