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Cosmic and Light Types

No.33345767 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
All four members of the shitposting samefagging can't-debate can-only-insult hive mind of children on this board have decided Cosmic and Light types are bad ideas because the group thinks so, but don't let that stop you! Let's have a nice discussion about theoretical types that might show up in a children's video game.

What do you think of the Cosmic and Light types?

Previous thread: >>33312708

Banned not-an-arguments:
>Moves I like and Pokemon I like might be retyped and I don't want that so I hate new types on principle. no i dont know what theoretical means. You're mother is theoretical
>I think Cosmic and Light are silly types. So I invented a silly type to tell you how silly I think you are!
>Literally any insult in place of an argument
>I believe Gen VII would have been when Cosmic Type would be introduced, if it ever happened. I don't know what theoretical means, but I don't have to! Cosmic type will never happen so fuck you haha I finally win an argument online for once