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So I bought a copy of Diamond off a second hand site

!3I4SJbCh8M No.33348281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Its an AUS version, and with no known reports of AUS fakes existing, I figured its a safe buy.

Took a couple of weeks and it finally arrived. I've done all the checks, seems to be legit.

Its got an existing save that doesn't seem to have been touched since 2009. Boxes are full of rare shit. All the legendaries. All the trade evolutions. Even a bunch of mythicals.

Too bad most of them are just injected shit. A Mew and a Deoxys claiming to be imported from Gen 3 but don't have fateful encounter.

Back in 2007-2009, someone put so so so much time into this save file.

Lots and lots of time.

*opens TWLSaveTool*
*deletes save*