>>33349292> the ancient gengar vs alakazamWatched a few days ago for the first time. I have to say, I now realize why the adults of the initial pokemania never 'got' it; the show barely ever explained anything.
It's fun and crazy and I did enjoy the wackiness. However, an adult who did not play the games and did not track the show would have hardly understood a thing. We the kids knew that Alakazam and Gengar are strong pokemon who evolve by trading, Psychic and Ghost/Poison were (supposed) to be effective against each other and both pokemon were competitive powerhouses. None of this is explained ever in the episode, we have no idea how Alakazam even figured into the myth (was it also a force of darkness, or was it an enemy of the darkness? I don't recall that being mentioned,) how Jigglypuff's song managed to activate the ancient bell and how it spit out a huge jigglypuff in return, or who half the cast of the episode was. This is all really confusing if you didn't have any fan knowledge beforehand, and a kid is far more forgiving of logical inaccuracies and inconsistencies than an adult is as long as it's flashy and fun enough.
If I had never played Pokemon before, I also would have barely understood a thing. Even having played Pokemon, the show took so many liberties that it still ends up confusing. It's only knowing that it's supposed to be utterly ridiculous that it starts making some sense.