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Been trying to use a team of gen 7 only Pokémon I haven't used before on a play through of Moon. My only mainstays are Dugtrio and Golisopod.
Pic related is my current team but I've cycled in and out an Alolan-Marowak, Oranguru, Tsareena, Fomantis, Shiinotic, Salandit and Beware. Finding it hard to decide on a final 6.
I'm also considering Togedamaru, Dhelmise, Alolan-Sandslash, Bruxish and Mimikyu 10% Zygarde.
Pokémon I've used previously are Oricoro, Crabominable, Palossand, Vikavolt, Alolan-Raticate, Kommo-o, Minior, Alolan-Muk, Turtonator, Pyukumuku, Passimian and Mudsdale.
What do you guys think would make a good final team? I'll use pretty much anything I like all Pokémon.