Why I love her, and why she should b
fe.ma.le only. I love Goodra. She should be f.em.ale only. Ma.le Goodra are scum and should not exist. She is just far to girly to be ma.le. Come on, look at those hips! UUNGGG GOOOODRA! I will always love you! So sexy slimy and glossy... unngg...
Goodra is love, Goodra is life. She's so sexy slimy and glossy... just look at that fat lower body and tail... and those HUGE HIPS!!! OH FUCK YEAH! GOOOOODRA!!!! I love her SO MUCH!!! unf... unf.. unf... uunnnggg.... UUNNNGG... G-Goo.. G-Goodra, Goo... oh, baby... OH GOODRA! I will always love you! This should convince you that Goodra is the sexiest pokemon EVER
I never had a fetish for a pokemon either, until I saw Goodra. It's shape with fat hips, lower body, and tail, give it a sexy appeal that makes me want to fuck the shit out of it. After looking at Goodra porn for a while it eventually gets to you how great she is. Play with Goodra in Amie for awhile and that gets to you too. Shit, that happy dance...