Obnoxious tripfag on /vip/. Goes on other boards to call non-pass users poorfags
Spends his entire day on /sci/. Talks about his idea for humanity's future while anons tell him how pants on head retarded his plan is. Maxie ignores them.
Frequently posts on /out/, constantly ranting how the sea is the best thing ever created. Calls anyone who disagrees with him a landfag
Lurks /r9k/ but very rarely posts. When he does, he leaks details of his plan to restart the universe while other anons call him a faggot and too much of a pussy to carry it out
Tripfag on both /his/ and /an/ (he only used the /an/ until the events of BW, where he would try to convince anons to release their pets)
Textbook stormfag on /pol/.
Shitposts on /b/ 24/7. Often uses outdated copypastas and calls Kahili a faggot.
Frequently requests Nihilego porn on /h/