>>33394268Dokidoki is a dumb name.
Interesting choice with Corsola.
I'd replace Ramparados with something else, maybe Probopass or Minior.
I don't like the progression of teammates per badge is set, but that's less on you and more on the sheet. 4 Pokemon for the sixth and seventh badge? That's bullshit.
>>33394279Eh, the sprite is good enough. It's not a big deal.
The theme is forest, but you've really only got birds and bugs there. You could, and totally should, expand. Grass types like Breloom, Vileplume, and Shiftry would work well. Certain normal types, like Stantler, Aipom, Slaking, and Linoone, too. Not to mention assorted shit like Pachirisu, Stuntank, and Primeape. Not even Trevenant, the Forest Lord. I feel like this isn't diverse enough.