>>33420209Don't get this meme. What's the problem with the story? Like really, what was the real problem?
Do people even realize that the story didn't even really start until the player got to Aether Paradise? Before that it was just the trainer traveling from place to place exploring the islands, occasional battle with friends and rivals, and embarrassing the schoolyard ruffians who went around throwing gang signs everywhere. There weren't even any stakes, it was as solid as a Pokémon adventure should even be.
It wasn't until the first visit to Aether Paradise where the player was really started to being engrossed into the overarching plot of the games, which was a distraught family influencing the rest of the region where the only way to save everything was to save the family. The way the game handled the story and it's characters was actually fairly competent for a Pokémon game. Both side and main characters were getting development you wouldn't usually expect in oddly realistic ways, making them all feel like real people because the whole story was incredibly realistic. People and Pokémon were all dealing with real world matters that draws a connection and a sense of empathy and sympathy for these characters because a lot of us have been through these kinds of things. Getting into fights with your family, getting laid off, running away, not knowing what to do in the future, not wanting to remain in the shadow of your superiors, taking in someone in need, domestic abuse, rebellion, wanting to be noticed, or even that feeling where you know everything is going to come to an end but you still continue to live life as you should. All these character arcs, personalities, and backgrounds can connect with us so vividly unlike any previous Pokémon game has.
Yes the cutscenes were hammered in but that's what we should expect from a Pokémon game that was marketed heavily to have a story that would engross and entice the player. It's not bad by any means.