Sprites are much better than the current "future proof" 3D models because of the dynamic poses that could bring a Pokémon to life, while also remaining future proof, as well as only having to be accurate to the model from one viewpoint angle, while also using vibrant colours and shading to stand out. HGSS sprites were astounding for this reason.
Colosseum/GoD models tried to tap into this with Pokémon with unique, vibrant and fun idle poses and animations, but that was completely thrown out the window for XY onwards, that decided Pokémon now has to be realisticly boring for some reason, and just has Pokémon standing around like they just had a lobotomy, or worse, gliding idly. Worse yet, with washed out colour palettes. It's fucking awful.
Take Delphox as a fine example, a Pokémon which looks fantastic in sketch and design, but becoming a 3D model has made it look like absolute garbage, because it's not an animal made for idle posing 3D, it's a Pokémon. Let it pose, let it be individual.
If they overhauled current gen 3D models to have a little life, that'd be great, but we all know that isn't going to happen. The move to 3D was an inevitable change, but holy shit if it wasn't done in the worst way possible.