[6 / 3 / ?]
Quoted By: >>33434536 >>33434549 >>33434686
-Shuckle, Octillery, Forretress, and Girafarig will receive Alolan Forms
-Shuckle will be Bug/Steel, Octillery will be Water/Fire, Forretress will be Bug/Rock, and Girafarig will be Psychic/Dark
-Gyms will be in the post-game
-There will be a way to encounter legendaries, like with Hoopa
-There will be a 5th island below Poni Island
-New Ultra Forms for the Ultra Beasts
-Battle Dome added, similar to Battle Frontier
-Octillery, Tsareena, Lycanroc, Kingler, Togedemaru, and Palossand will receive Z-Moves using Octazooka, Trop Kick, Accelerock/Counter, Crabhammer, and Zing Zap and, and Shore Up respectively
-17 New Pokémon but 12 are Ultra Beasts
-6 New Mega Evolutions including a Breloom and Johto Starter
-National Dex added
-Shuckle will be Bug/Steel, Octillery will be Water/Fire, Forretress will be Bug/Rock, and Girafarig will be Psychic/Dark
-Gyms will be in the post-game
-There will be a way to encounter legendaries, like with Hoopa
-There will be a 5th island below Poni Island
-New Ultra Forms for the Ultra Beasts
-Battle Dome added, similar to Battle Frontier
-Octillery, Tsareena, Lycanroc, Kingler, Togedemaru, and Palossand will receive Z-Moves using Octazooka, Trop Kick, Accelerock/Counter, Crabhammer, and Zing Zap and, and Shore Up respectively
-17 New Pokémon but 12 are Ultra Beasts
-6 New Mega Evolutions including a Breloom and Johto Starter
-National Dex added