>>33439428-Catch your starter from a round of Safari Zone on the Professor at the start of the game, possibly doubling as capture tutorial. This also means you can have a pokemon that's not part of the fire-water-grass triangle, but the game should encourage getting one of the trio by making the others harder to get to.
-Put all tutorials in a side area located near the beginning of the game that's a hybrid of Poke Pelago and Teachy TV. The tutorials are interactive, optional, and can be skipped at any time. They also teach casuals about things the game normally doesn't tell you about like STAB.
-Music customization outside of battle facilities to break up monotony of repeated tracks.
-If your lead pokemon is much higher leveled than a wild pokemon, you can hold B and the fight will begin with a flashy insta-KO animation, ending faster than going through the stock "wild X appeared" spiel. This serves as a medium between using repel as you go through the story and revisiting a low leveled area only to get swarmed by Zubat and Tentacool.
-Interactions between pokemon in your party similar to the flavor text from HGSS following pokemon. You access this by touching a small speech bubble icon next to pokemon in the party menu that will appear if there's something noteworthy, sort of like Miitopia inn-teractions.
-With the advent of ride pokemon, make previously HM-like obstacles require a specific move type to get past and have the rewards be optional evolution stones, TMs, Rare Candy, etc.(e.g. hot coals traversed with water/rock/ground; steel debris melted by fire, punched through by fighting, collapsed by the ground beneath it, etc.)
-Hidden Grottoes and Secret Bases return, intertwined with each other. If you find a Hidden Grotto and claim its reward, you can also put a Secret Base there once it's empty.
-Have a multi battle partner area like DPPt, but have them be the random NPC trainer that you can use right off the bat in Multi Battles in the battle facility.