>>33450080The extensive argumentation that as mentioned boils down to "We allowed Chansey who walls a lot of things extensively no matter how broken and has to be broken by other type of broken attackers", "Oh no this broken thing that is only walled by Chansey and things easily trapped, is running rampant since Dugtrio traps them" and "Oh shit the broken stuff that breaks past Chansey and its fallback is easily trapped and revenge killed" If it wasn't for these very broken powercreeping things running rampant Dugtrio, who has been a decent albeit not busted mon for the past 4 generations wouldn't be as strong as a result.
And there's retards that regurgitate the 20 bst buff as if it was meaningful despite the fact that he was already good in late ORAS because of both Dugstall and DugZardY cores.
I really hope you pull your shit together and actually start thinking on your own instead of reading what Tier Councils say and nodding without questioning anything or learning context.
I'm done with you trash. I'll just destroy you in the ladder when I get reqs.