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I HATE Pokemon Sun and Moon SO FUCKING MUCH

No.33456224 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What exactly did they do right? the awful 3d looks much worse than the sprites from generations prior, for the most part gen 7 pokemon look U G L Y as fuck, no post game, shitty story they shove down your throat. The games lost every and any sense of exploration, the feeling like youre actually going on a journey. When compared to rby gsc where you pretty much got your pokemon and got thrown into the world, for you to figure things out on your own, given the freedom to explore and acutally have fun hell you could do erika, sabrina, koga, blaine in almost any order you wanted to, same with gsc and chuck, pryce, jasmine and all of kanto. No one told you what to do or where to go, there was no lame bullshit story about some fucking faggot protector guardian pokemon you went city to city and beat the gyms, you found the legendary birds/dogs and you became the champ because you wanted to not because the game told you to.

When comparing to sun/moon, where youre fucking forced to walk to a fucking checkpoint, fucking check points in a god damn pokemon game, watch 10+ minutes of cutscenes before you get to actually play the fucking game again (not to mention the like 30 minutes of bullshit you have to sit through before you can pick your starter). When you want to explore you have some dumb fuck cunt npc standing there saying hes too busy sucking dick and hell let you through when hes done and this shit happens in like every single fucking new place you get to.

There is so much fucking babying and hand holding in this fucking game. Like i like how gamefreak feels the need to explain to the player how the fucking battling works when its the most straightforward thing in the world., when this fucking series has been out for like 20 fucking years. Yet they dont properly explain important things such as natures, evs, ivs in thier game.