>>33458725I assume so, because RBY and GS are VC
D/P are not bc,
Plus Nintendo and The pokemon company wants to make another mystery dungeon on switch, we could get a Pokémon Ranger rpg
Plus switch is likely 6 years so.. 2017-2023 but GF are 1 year out and 25th anniversary is the Dex no of pikachu all within switch estate life cycle
2x gen VIII 2018
2x dp remakes 2019
2x gen VIII sequel or Ultra versions 2020 or 1.
2x Red blue remakes 2021 25th anniversary
2022 gen 9
2023 remake Black white
2024... considering that this is the case so 2gens.
Ultra remakes likely 2.
Notwithstanding pokemon mystery dungeon and pokemon Ranger
So 2018-2024 2 generations + anniversary games + 2 remakes estimated 14 games -12 games
Assuming 2018 -2024 with no dry periods
Essentially near DS era.