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No.33461179 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You wake up in the pokemon world and are on your last day of Pokeschool before you get your choice of a starter.

In this world after finishing 12 years of Pokeschool you and 2 other graduates are given a choice of 3 starters and are sent off on your journey as rivals.

>What is your region (State/Country/Area)
>What are your Starters (FWG Starters 1-7 any combo)
>Early birds (1-2 bird lines)
>Early rodents (1-2 rattata/poochyena mons)
>What team do you get (Starter, Sufer/fire/grass/electric, Flyer, Mega, etc, etc)
>Gym leaders (types maybe aces or teams)
>Any new megas, evos, or regional variants?

>Washington State Region (Pacifica?)
>Snivy, Cyndaquil, Piplup
>Hoothoot, Murkrow
>Zigzagoon, Purrloin
>My team: Typhlosion, Aipom, Gyarados, Jolteon, Braviary, Hydreigon
>Gyms: Dragon(Axew), Normal(Lickitung), Fighting(Passimian), Ghost(Dusclops), Dark(Luxray-Mega), Fairy(Bellosom-Mega), Steel(Skarmory-Mega), Flying(Noivern-Mega)
>E4: Grass(Gourgeistxl-Mega), Fire(Torkoal-Mega), Water(Ludicolo-Mega), Electric(Vikivolt-Mega)
>Champion: Flygon-Mega

>Mega Serperior(Grass/Dragon, Contrary, +spd, +spatk, draco)
>Mega Typhlosion(Fire/Ground, Mold Breaker, +Spd, +Spatk, Earth Power)
>Mega Empoleon(Water/Steel, Filter, +SpDef, +Def, +Spd)
>Mega Luxray(Electric/Dark, Strong Jaw, +Defenses, +Atk)
>Bellososm(Grass/Fairy, Dancer, +Spd, +Spatk)
>Mega Skarmory(Steel/Flying, Prankster, +Defenses)
>Mega Noivern(Dragon/Flying, Aerilate, +Spd, +Spatk)
>Mega Gourgeistxl(Grass/Fire, Flash Fire, +SpAtk, +Defenses)
>Mega Torkoal(Fire/Water, Storm Drain, Scald, +Defenses, +SpAtk)
>Mega Ludicolo(Water/Grass, Swift Swim, +SpAtk, +Defenses)
>Mega Vikivolt(Bug/Electric, Speed Boost, +SpAtk, +Defenses)
>Mega Flygon(Dragon/Bug, Sand Devil*, +SpAtk, +Spd, Bug Buzz)