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108KiB, 500x574, 0E7A234F-9CEB-438A-899C-F736EC9843B2-37548-0000731E01DB1644.png
Quoted By: >>33467974 >>33467990 >>33468040 >>33468174 >>33468346 >>33469406 >>33469585 >>33469655 >>33469674 >>33469913 >>33470442
Can we have a thread discussing ORAS being a bad remake without devolving into conplaining about trivial stuff and posting that godawful list? I'm actually really bothered by what happened with a game that was so looked forward to that even people who didn't play pokemon knew the "Hoenn Confirmed" meme. What actually went wrong? And yes this is a thread about ORAS being a shit remake, nothing about "but it's a good game on it's own!" just simply the status of a remake, since everyone agrees that it's the worst remake ever.