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Pokemon related dreams you had

No.33473596 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just woke up from a nap and I dreamt I was watching the anime and Ash was talking with some trainer and Mallow. The trainer apparently had a battle with Ash and Ash's Alolan Rattata, where Rattata used a move called Tatebura? (I was watching it subbed) He was saying how he was scared when they used it due to it always breaking a pokemon's leg (I dreamt it as Rattata "biting" the other pokemon's leg like Rockruff does with energy fangs materializing) but was disappointed/relieved that it didn't. That promoted Ash to start training his Rattata with Mallow and it showed scenes like him lifting a small stick as a weight with Mallow saying "isn't that a bit small?" as she lifts bigger sticks like branches with Steenee.