>>33475085Tierno and Trevor are completely useless and only exist to take up space.
Team Flare was supposed to be taken seriously as a creepy cult but came across as incredibly goofy, creating a dissonance.
The Flare Scientists saw barely any use and are forgettable as a result.
Lysandre came across as an extremely delusional madman entirely out of touch with reality instead of the suave villain with misguided goals the games intended to make him out to be.
Those are the worst. Of the better characters, you have:
Shauna and your rival are tolerable, and add a bit more to the story than Tierno and Trevor ever did.
Xerosic is memorable mostly for the Looker sidequest, which was a surprisingly decent story.
Ditto Emma.
Ditto Malva, but to a lesser degree.
Sycamore is decent with a memorable design and way of acting.
Sina and Dexio are...okay. Their make believe dress up wasn't a bother.
Diantha is tolerable because of her noninvolvement. She fulfilled her role of being a champion, nothing inherently wrong with that.
AZ is carried by lore and history, by concept and design, and by the genuinely touching reunion at the end. GameFreak actually pulling off body language that subtle surprised me and really sold the whole scene.
Everyone else is a gimmicky NPC that don't leave any real impressions or have much going for them outside of their role.