GF ruins new features when fans hype just from their Weedle being able to follow them.
Expand the basics of the adventure.
>Unless you love spamming grass and running from battles for like 3hrs.
Put the wild pokemon in the over-world instead of random generates in grass patches.
>Thrill of the Hunt, aspects.
Make encounters more exciting instead of mindlessly running into a 100 randoms.
Skittish pokemon run away from you, aggressive pokemon like Primeape chase you.
Fastmons can outrun you, Slowmons are too slow to chase/run from you. Fuckers like Cacoonmons prolly just sit on trees.
Maybe baits to lure rarer ones out or a mini quest, something even simply as defeating a few predatory pokemon in an area makes a certain pokemon appear.
Some pokemononly appear at night.
You can gain hunting tips from Pokedex/Signs/NCPs. etc.
Wildmon can still gang up on you, maybe 3% chance a lv.25 Snorlax is in a lv.8-12 woods.
Interactions like super training could be turned into just hitting rocks/trees/swimming/etc.
Could also adds optional side-quest aspects for money or items and could also provide extra dialogue for lore lovers.
AND, buff Ledian.