>>33512203More pokemon run hidden power since it can now be physical.
Special attackers like Gengar and Alakazam carry elemental punches for coverage, the former of whom can't rely on its STAB as well.
Earthquake becomes even more centralizing as a coverage move on physical attackers due to decreased options.
Fairy would most likely be special since there's only one physical fairy move.
Focus Blast becomes even more worthless than it already is by nature of competing with Close Combat and Superpower as physical fighting moves.
All of the butterfly pokemon become worthless because bug and flying are physical, reducing bug type's usage to physical powerhouses like Scizor and Heracross.
Most Dragon types stick to special sets if they have them, or in cases where they rely on a physical move like Extremespeed for Dragonite.
Psyshock becomes god-tier while Secret Sword just becomes another physical fighting move.
Metagross and Jirachi run mixed sets, while Bronzong foregoes psychic STAB for utility moves and physical attacks.
Special Aegislash is no more, meaning it fears burns much more now. However, its physical movepool remains uncompromised.