I would love to wake up to a reason to buy ultra sun and ultra moon, like new better alternate story, no 10 second long useless black loading screens, a face that isnt always smiling, more customization for males (we deserve better clothes and more options.. sexist much), a national dex, remove the fucking wifi plaza shit and bring back the X&Y/ORAS thingy, oh and not be a directors cut of sun and moon, actually be different.
This is just a wish but alternate starters mainly because Decidueye's speed needs help, so a new fast rowlet final evo would be neato and also maybe a fast popplio, has it said popplio could swim immensely fast but whatever and maybe focus more on Littens ability to burn its fur as it has oils on it, maybe a fire/poison evo??. Maybe also pokemon following behind us... actually never mind the 3ds would explode and or move at 1fps.
But hey thats just me.