>>33527036Decent enough taste, though Vanilluxe, Palossand and Drifblim are pretty silly
>>33527057Pretty good taste but too many shitmons
>>33527074Except for Dhelmise all of your faves are good to great too, with Haxorus, Scizor and Volcarona in particular being top tier taste
>>33527085Oranguru and Beartic are garbage, rest is cool or at least acceptable
>>33527091Simipour, Lycanroc, Ledian, Garbodor, Junx are all shit. Especially Jynx. How can someone like this hideous shit? You know what I'm giving you a 0 for this
>>33527132Magcargo and Cradily aren't too cool but at least they aren't awful, rest is nice
>>33527154Nothing much to say here, mostly ok to cool mons. Only one that is kinda bad is Primeape design-wise but even that isn't terrible
>>33527189>Oricorio>Sawsbuck>Mow Rotom>Exeggutor>Leavanny>Vileplume>Cacturne>Dhelmise>Abomasnow>Alolan Exeggutorawfully shit taste sorry lad
>>33527405Mostly nice mons except for Gourgeist which is kinda shit looking
>>33528334Jolteon is garbage, rest is nice
>>33528360Drapion, Relicanth, Claydol are shit
>>33528376Cute mons anon, only Sliggoo and Meloetta-Pirouette are kinda not so cute
>>33528383>Pikachuthat alone warrants you a 0, but Beartic takes you to a -1
>>33528659Blaziken is best mon so props to you. Regice is kinda stupid tho
>>33528917Good taste anon, only Guzzlord looks objectively shit among all of these. I don't love Xurkitree and Registeel either but they're passable
>>33528925Nothing much to say here, only that those are mostly shitmons. But not bad looking.
>>33528960Generally good taste but Jynx is the worst taste possible. Kys anon
>>33529011eh, ok taste. Chinchou, Hariyama and Swadloon are awfully unremarkable though