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No.33532454 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>no new Alolan forms
>no Battle Frontier
>no new Megas
>no new Ultra Beasts
>no new islands
>no Hard Mode
>no Gyms
>no new protagonists
>no new antagonists
>no new explorable areas

Instead, you get:

>BW2 Necrozma fusion rip-offs
>Some new cutscenes... I mean Z-Moves
>A few flowers and sandy areas masquerading as fresh content
>Possibly a couple of reskinned Ultra Space empty corridors to find the Ultra Beasts
>Alola Photo Club

Gamefreak don't give a shit, and the worst part is that they'll shit out the same substandard content for the first Switch game. Hell, they even told you to lower your expectations.

Enjoy your descent into the gutter with the Pokemon Franchise.