>>33548943Going by the RBY crit probability formula, Deo-S's crit chance for normal moves is still "only" about 35%. Given that crits are just a 1.5x boost, and that Deo-S doesn't have any notable high-crit moves to abuse, the total damage bonus would be less than 15% greater than its average damage output under current critical hit mechanics. I doubt it'd go to AG just for that.
As for the others, I guess Physical Mega Sceptile becomes more viable with Leaf Blade having a 255/256 crit chance when factoring in RBY mechanics, and Mega Aerodactyl really might get banned for that sweet sweet 255/256 chance to crit with Stone Edge.
Crawdaunt gets a sweet 55/64 chance to land a critical hit with Crabhammer and Night Slash, plus Adaptability.
Barbaracle gets the full 255/256 chance to score crits with Stone Edge (also Cross Chop, Slash, and Night Slash), which is deadly with Sniper. It really wishes it had Crabhammer.