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Alola Cyndiquil line. It's Fire/Ground now and gets a few ground moves by level up. Ability is Flash Fire/Berserk (we don't need blaze because its not your starter this time, you just catch them as really rare encounters in the wild). Design is pretty straightforward, they're like the old Cyndiquils but dirtier.
Alola Chikorita line. It's Grass/Dark now. Get a few Dark moves by level up, new ability is Sweet Veil/Prankster. They're assholes that make a lot of pollen and delight in causing people with allergies to sniffle.
Alola Totodile line. They live in a polluted area or maybe a poisoned kelp field or something and they adapted to eating garbage well. They're Water/Poison now, beige markings on the chest and jaws are now purple, snagglier teeth, and slightly fatter. Get a few poison moves by level up, mostly Poison Fang and Cross Poison. Abilities are Strong Jaw/Sheer Force.