>>33628852Ok, snons story time, right here right now!
>Get HeartGold>Find your Spinarak>Know he will evolve in to Ariados>Ariados looks so badass so you just have to get him in the team>You level your Spinarak so long and hard to get your epic spider bro>Finally get him to evolve and cheer for joy>Find out very fast how weak he is for the level and second stage evolution>Get depressed and sad about it.>Decide not let that let you down, start leveling him like mad>I even took him in to the poke dome to do minigames and i would feed him all the berry juices and milkshakes in believing it would make him the strongest pokemon in the game>When i got in to Ecruteak city my Ariados was 47lvl and rest of my team barely even 15lvl>I would use him as main pokemon all the way up to E4 and Kanto region.>Tfw i never let down on Ariados even with hes shitty stats and movepool he will always be my true and only shoulder bro.Thanks for reading my blog.