[329 / 52 / ?]
Welcome to Gold and Silver general, for all your Gold and Silver needs. For anons looking for gold and silver commodities trading general we would like to take this opportunity to redirect you towards >>>/biz/, as this thread is solely dedicated towards the best Pokemon games, Gold and Silver.
>Post and rate teams
>Ask for help
>Share experiences
Here's a starter question: What are you currently up to?
Personally I have just finished looking for Heracross, and am going to take this opportunity to search for a shiny Spearow, whilst also getting some ev training for my Dratini
Old threads:
>Post and rate teams
>Ask for help
>Share experiences
Here's a starter question: What are you currently up to?
Personally I have just finished looking for Heracross, and am going to take this opportunity to search for a shiny Spearow, whilst also getting some ev training for my Dratini
Old threads: