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ITT: Improve-a-Mon (no stats edition)

No.33648458 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Go to to generate a random Pokemon or a whole set

WITHOUT changing its base stats, come up with a new signature move or ability that would improve its chances in competitive

I rolled 6 just to get things started, and figured I'd stick with abilities only:

>Well-Trained: copies the status changes of the foe upon switching in

>Shimmering Scales: Rough Skin for Special moves

>Hoarder: absorbs entry hazards upon switching, raising Def +1 for each level of hazard that was picked up. also absorbs hazards upon their use.

>Loaded Up: All multi-hit moves deal 10% more damage per hit

>Diminutive: This Pokemon is so small, it has a natural evasion of +1 but takes double damage from contact moves

>Dewpoint: On the turn that rain ends, this Pokemon immediately activates Aqua Ring. Works even if another weather replaced the rain.