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/Shuffle/ General: More Johto Memes Edition

No.33651274 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last Thread: >>33578673

New stuff this week: (All events except Zygarde 50% EB, Hitmontop and Feraligatr are one week only)
>Buzzwole Ultra Beast Challenge (See details below)
>Steelix Competitive Stage (See details below)
>Hitmontop (300 Coins) [PSB]
>Winking Cyndaquil [PSB]
>Special Daily Pokemon #1 (Winking Memes)
>Zygarde 50% EB
>Free Mega Start (Stages 1 ~ 150 except 149)

Old stuff from last week:
>Lugia (400 Coins) [PSB]
>Meganium (300 Coins) [PSB]
>Typhosion [PSB]

Buzzwole Details
>20,000 Coins for 10 attempts
>Fighting 70BP
>Demolish is similar to Super Arrow but with a much better proc rate (9x Multipler. 80%, 82%, 84%, 86%, 89% activation rates)
>22 Moves, 35% + 2% / Move Catch Rate
>Around 16k HP, spawn some blocks

Steelix Competitive Stage Details
>16 Moves with DD, MS, and AP+ purchasable
>Spawns Typholsion with lots of Rocks and Blocks as disruptions
>More RMLs are being rewarded

What to Grind?
>Implying there's anything worth grinding Skill wise

Upcoming Stuff:
>Start of Month Lottery
>Zygarde Complete Forme Ultra Challenge
>Tapu-Fini Ultra Challenge (600 Coins)
>Feraligatr [PSB]
>Winking Totodile [PSB]
>Zygarde 10% [PSB]
>Special Daily Pokemon #2 (More Winking Memes) [PSB]
>Pokemon Safari #5 (Female Hippotas and Hippowdon. One week only, according to the Chinese wiki Camerupt is suspiciously missing) [10 Hearts or PSB]

Chinese Wiki:宝可消消乐/

Compilation of useful links:

Guide to clear and S-Rank stages (Only up to Stage 500):

Up-to-date list of Skills:

For any one who are playing >Mobile and looking for Friends, state your Region since Friend Codes are Region specific

ToTT: Is Buzzwole usable when Machamp RT and Meloetta-P are already a thing?