>>33662101>TorerraShell Smash, Horn Leech, Thick Fat equivalent
>DelphoxFocus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam(unlikely), Nasty Plot, Magic Guard.
>EmboarIt's Fighting STABs suck, so give it Close Combat and Drain Punch. Also introduce a Weather Rock/Terrain extender equivalent for Trick Room(Alolawak may outclass it as an attacker though). Outside of Trick Room, its not worth fixing too much when the other two Fire/Fighters exist.
>MeganiumCalm Mind, Flower Veil instead of Leaf Guard(seriously Gamefreak?), Earth Power(for all Grass types too). Serperior is still better most of the time, might aswell give it a good mega or a Fairy type Alola form.
>SamurottSHELL SMASH, SHELL SMASH, and I'll say it again......SHELL SMASH