>>33704985Charmander starts with Dragon Rage which fucks the early game, and generally has a very wide movepool. It also is the only starter to gain a flying movement type, and its movepool options only get better when it evolves, unlike a lot of others.
Chespin because multi-hit moves are OP as fuck.
Fennekin has a good ranged movepool, Totodile has a great tactic on popping Rage, then diving into bad guys to pick up a pile of attack boosts then roflestomp the rest of a floor.
No idea on Tepig.
Bulbasaur gets nice range and status moves. Treecko has nice moves in general. Piplup and Oshawott have god moves, but are also tanky as fuck.
Honestly, I'm surprised Riolu is as high as it is. It has no good moves, poor coverage, and bad stats. I must be missing something.
I'm also surprised at Squirtle, since Squirtle is pretty good at self-buffing.
Chikorita has no moves, with Ancient Power and Razor Leaf being literally the best she can do for most of the game. She also only gets poisonpowder, which sucks dick, and doesn't get screens until way too late.
Snivy saw Chikorita's movepool problems, then asked Froakie to hold his beer. Snivy is, to my knowledge, the only starter that can learn Calm Mind, making it the only one capable of buffing Sp.Def.
Froakie also has movepool issues, but also is has a relatively "glass cannon" stat spread, but without the moves to actually do it.