>Literally my moms bad self insert OC
>Waltz's into an already established story
>Undercuts the whole thing by revealing that "lol, i was behind the entire thing, AND it was only my plan A lol"
>Suddenly kicks the asses of all important characters and steals their mega keystones
>Literally knocks out the protagonist
>Is also a legendary Lore Keeper and basically part of the Pokemon Illuminati
>Has pandering "crazy" personality and my moms cliche back story of an unknown person dying that she uses as her justification for said shitty personality
>Is also a massive hypocrite. Chastises Steven (The fucking champion) for possibly endangering a hypothetical alternate world who's existence she doesn't have proof for, despite the fact that the plan she orchestrated earlier very almost scorched/drowned the entirety of Hoenn.
How do people like this character for reasons other than "muh waifu" faggotry?