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No.33751145 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I usually stay away from Pokemon as I don't really care for them. But I think i'm finally paying for it when I moved into my families barn.

Until now I've handled stray Pineco and Spinarak which I believe can make for serious pests. Pineco especially since I hear they can self-destruct when provoked. The last thing I want is a gaping hole in my house. Now that goes without saying but I usually take care of all that with repels which I purchase in bulk. But my real problem right now is Weedle.

My neighbour (who usually keeps to himself) has this giant ass tree that, for the most part, extends over my yard. I don't know what berry it grows but whatever it grows is attracting a large weedle population. I do NOT want a hive of Beedrill on my property and apparently, according to my folks, they've never had a Beedrill problem before. My issue is that whenever I try to take care of it, my crazy ass neighbour asks me to stop spraying his tree and to leave his property alone. "So I'm like, hey man, your tree is shading a quarter of my property and the Weedle are bleeding into MY property. Please take care of it."

It's been a week and they're still there.

Tell me /vp/. Beedrill won't attack unless provoked right? Because I've heard stories of farmers getting aggressively poisoned and attacked by these Pokemon and I don't want to be one of them.