>>33761064Okay, what about Nowi the Manakete of Fire Emblem?
1000 years old, still looks prepubescent because super long lifespan. Somewhere about the age May is supposed to look but doesn't.
Or heck, let's really go far with this. Kanna of Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Looks 8, acts 8, untold millennia old, was about to rape a fellow gradeschool classmate because she had no idea what she was asking for/consenting to, but Kanna was both sexually receptive and knowledgeable to know exactly what and to begin initiating.
Was Kanna a child-molesting pedophile? If you feel so, if an adult human sought a romance with her, would he still be a pedophile, despite her age being much higher and counting in the former scenario?
If not, then does it only matter the two individuals are at approximately the same physical maturity?
What about shapeshifters, whose maturity can change with form? Kanna is naturally a large dragon, she only assumes a human form to interact with humans. Do you count oldest form, youngest form, take an average?