>>33789648>>33789653>>33789661Sure. I think we all miss a kind reassuring voice in our ears sometimes. And I think too many preoccupied souls forget to stop, breathe, think, and be at peace. Especially in the night hours. There is too much commotion, both around us and in us.
So many people are miserable in their own heads. Speeding by life, constricted in ropes from their own minds, living without insight or real deliberance. Their own skulls are not a place of refuge, because they are filled to the brim with anything and everything all at once.
You can't always help them, but just being level and open toward people can create waves. Being frank about your well-wishes can mean a lot because the sad truth is, we are in short supply of open solicitude.
Everyone wishes to hear someone cares about them; few go out of their way to say it.
In any case, I hope my little speech causes some positive impact on somebody. I'd like for you to stay calm against the turmoil more often. I know the world seems crazy and utterly lost sometimes, but there are tranquil forces in the world too. If you pause to let them work.
Address problems, but don't exacerbate them; it never helps. Rest softly.