Hello Vp, I have been playing pokemon since 2002, I'm 22 years old, my favorites games are crystal and black and white, the only game I couldn't finish was pearl and diamond, the game was jsut to slow, the paths designs weren't appealing to me, but I think I find the worts generation ever, I just buy a week ago pokemon sun and I stopped playingafter beating the first trial, I can't bear anymore cut scenes, literally after a cut scene that take my to the school I walk thre steeps and then another cut scene occur... the game is just to boring, everthing seems to "kawaii" I can't stand the perma smile that Hau is always bringing, I can't stand Lilly, I can't stand that afteer 30 minutes the only new pokemon I encounter was a yungoos, only caterpies and magnemites.... Everthing in this game seems so plastic... so... Fake, characters without personality... just a kawaii souless plastic cartoon in the screen, and neither I have a purpouse to beat the game just to not losing my money on a game that I'm not gonna finish...