>>33798398This is all not considering alternate dimensions (barring the Ultra Beasts)
>birds multiple. Found in Kanto, Sinnoh, and Kalos
>beastsmultiple. Found in Johto and Kanto.
>goylemsmultiple. Found in Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova
>lati@smultiple. Found in Hoenn and Unova.
>pixiesprobably multiple, but but hard to tell but were each spotted in Sinnoh and Unova.
>Heatranmultiple. Not even a debate. It's Pokedex entry proves there are.
>regigigasmultiple. See the golems
>cresselia multiple. Found in Sinnoh and Unova
maybe one of each, but hard to tell
>GeniesMultiple considering Dream Radar is canon because Burnet is canon
>Type:Null/Silvallyat least 3
>TapusOne (for now)
>MewtwoAt least 2.
>Lugia/Ho-oh multiples seeinge Lugia/Ho-oh are technically found on faraway islands in FRLG/E and in Johto.
>Weather Triomultiples, considering you can find them in HGSS as well but probably exceedingly rare.
>Temporal TrioOne of each, but Arceus can create multiples if need be.
>Tao TrioOne of each
>Xerneas/Yveltalone, maybe, but considering Zygarde there could possibly be multiples that exist.
>Zygardemultiples .
>Cosmos duoMultiples, because there are multiple Cosmog (even without considering the alternate Cosmog you obtain)
>Necrozmaone, for now.
>MewCould be multiples but Mew is still very elusive.
>CelebiMaybe theres one, but due to time travel schnanigans, it seems like multiples exist.
>Jirachione, i think.
>Deoxysone, but multiples can easily exist.
>Victini/Keldeo/Meloettaonly one seen
>GenesectMultiples can exist cause I'm sure Team Plasma created more than one.
>DiancieMultiples due to the nature on how Diancie's are created
>Volcanionsure multiples exist but hard to say
>Magearna since its an artificial Pokemon, multiples have to exist.
>Marshadowelusive, like Mew so multiples could theretically exist.