>>33809277Not him.
Have enemy trainers and wild pokemon use bullshit rules, stats, and moves not available in normal gameplay. Totem pokemon and SOS were a step in the right direction, but ultimately a half-assed baby step.
I'm talking key opponents having pokemon with multiple HP bars, your pokemon taking extra Wing Attacks and Rock Throws from the grunts supporting their boss every turn, the Champion having 10 pokemon, and so on. Make fights hard and intense enough that yes, we will probably have to go catch and train something specifically for this fight that we may or may not ever touch again. Make managing your cash so you can afford key items a real thing. Make some wild encounters double, or even triple affairs from the get go. Not a limit on cash or grinding or anything, shit like that is and will always be dumb and retarded, and I've never seen it not be annoying.
Make the game such that the idea of a Nuzlocke is absolutely mad.