>>33828301Mega Castform
Gives Castform what it needed: Rotom level bulk, but with a higher HP stat. Not as fast as the Rotoms, but has more SpA and retains its ability to change with the weather. Losing access to items sucks, but this thing can fit onto any weather team and become monstrously useful. M-Castform can abuse BoltBeams, Weather Balls, and whatever else to patch up a weather teams gaps. Also, give Castform a Sand Forme. Maybe even Terrain forms. Might be cool.
Mega Garbodor
Turns Garbodor into a wall that can hit back. Minus the 4x Ground weakness, this is a good type combo to have as it shits all over Fairies and resists a ton of types. Clutter absorbs entry hazards to turn them into +1 Def per layer, both on switch in, when the opponent uses them, or even upon Mega evolving. One strategy might be to send in a Weak Armor Garbodor, get the Speed boost, then Mega Evolve to absorb hazards on the field patching up your Def drops and then some while you lay down some Toxic Spikes of your own. Moves like Clear Smog, Stockpile, and Explosion might be fun to try too. Pain Split is still its only recovery option, though.
Mega Cryogonal
Retains Cryogonals best stats and amps them up. Now gets Def to compliment its SpD, and retains SpA and Spe. Having a Water-type gives it more survivability against common threats as well as more STAB potential. Its ability adds a 20% chance of Freeze to any contact move as well, giving it a chance to be a threat while it sets up.